Alexey Steele

Alexey Steele

Floating Dream

  • Charcoal on handmade cotton paper over oil on panel
  • 15.5" x 12", artwork
  • Contemporary

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Acquired by American Legacy Fine Arts directly from the artist

"Alexey Steele: Torn Beauty" at American Legacy Fine Arts, Pasadena, CA, June 2 - 30, 2012

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Available Artwork by Alexey Steele

  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Land of the Hawk, Mission Viejo" a giclee by Allexey Steele.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Autumn Morning at Arroyo" a painting by Alexey Steele.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Emerald Bay; Doctor's Cove, Catalina Island" a painting by Alexey Steele.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Morning Ride" a painting by Alexey Steele.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Purple Wonder" a painting by Alexey Steele.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Sunrise at Camp Big Horn; Lake Arrowhead" a painting by Alexey Steele.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "The Last Flame of Day" a painting by Alexey Steele
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents, "Colors of the Fall" a painting by Alexey Steele.