Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Il Passaggio; Sant’Andrea della Vale, Rome

  • Oil on panel
  • 40" x 30", artwork
  • Contemporary

Not Available

Acquired by American Legacy Fine Arts directly from the artist

Peter Adams describes this scene of passing through darkness into light, as if "one were transitioning from Earth to Heaven". The writing barely visible in the dark shadows on the right hand wall is the quote from Philippians 4:8 written in Latin: "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Watch video on "Peter Adams: Inspirations for the Fourteen Stations of the Cross and Sacred Themes" HERE.

"Inspirations From the Fourteen Stations of the Cross and Sacred Themes" - USC Caruso Catholic Center, Los Angeles, March 26 - June 16, 2018

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Available Artwork by Peter Adams

  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "View of the Church of the Visitation from the Church of St. John the Baptist in Ein Karem" a painting by Peter Adams.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "St. Peregrine Chapel Candlelight, Mission San Juan Capistrano" a painting by Peter Adams.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Nabi Musa (Prophet Moses) at Ramadan; Judean Desert" a painting by Peter Adams.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Ray of Hope" a painting by Peter Adams.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Trappist Monastery in Latrun; Overlooking the Road to Jerusalem" a painting by Peter Adams.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "After the Autumn Storm; St. Malo Beach, Oceanside" a painting by Peter Adams.
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Late Afternoon Glare Over the Headlands, Mendocino California" a painting by Peter Adams
  • American Legacy Fine Arts presents "Afternoon at Whalers Cove, Point Lobos" a painting by Peter Adams.