Peter Adams

Peter Adams

Kaiping Lights

  • Oil on panel
  • 16" x 20", artwork
  • 26" x 29" x 2", framed
  • Contemporary

Not Available

Acquired by American Legacy Fine Arts directly from the artist

This nocturne oil painting by Peter Adams was spontaneously created en plein air during the artist’s November 2018 trip to China’s city of Kaiping in the Guangzhou Province.

Artist Statement
"I was taken by the modern skyscrapers that were colorfully lit against the night sky and reflecting in the shallow waters of the Pearl River. A couple sits silhouetted in the lower-left corner admiring the view while the searchlight beams from the tallest building giving a sense of exploration."
—Peter Adams

China's Crown Jewel; Recent Paintings by American Artists, American Legacy Fine Arts, June 21 – July 28, 2019

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Available Artwork by Peter Adams

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