Acquired by American Legacy Fine Arts directly from the artist
Description The Lingering Shadows is a small-scale, bronze figurative composition involving three female figures arranged on a strong diagonal that arcs upward from a horizontal oval base. The base, made of Belgian marble, is pure black and has a similar quality to still water reflecting moonlight. The figures are grouped to suggest that two of them are excluding the third and mocking her, while the pose of the third figure reveals her emotional response to the situation. The placement of the two grouped figures is higher on the diagonal arc, describing the power gradient between the figures.
Exhibitions California Art Club’s 103th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition at Autry Museum of the American West, in Los Angeles
The ARC First Place in Sculpture, 2012
The Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Gold Medal in Sculpture, 2014
The California Art Club's Julia Bracken Wendt award for Best Multi-Figure Composition, 2014